RV Insurance: Top Reasons You Need to Insure Your RV

It’s time to finally kick back and relax and that means you’re planning your next vacation. No matter where your travel plans take you, traveling via RV is a great way to take in all of the beautiful scenery and spend quality time with friends and family. But before you pack up the RV and pile in, it’s important that you consider full-time RV insurance

Why is RV insurance so important? Unlike your regular vehicle, your RV also acts as your shelter and home for an extended period of time. For this reason, purchasing RV insurance is much more necessary than you might think. 

What does RV insurance cover? Although you can customize your coverage, RV insurance does cover a variety of things that you’ll want to consider. Continue reading below to learn all the essential reasons why you need RV insurance. 

It’s Required

The first, and most important, reason to purchase RV insurance is that it’s most likely required. This will depend on the state you live in, but like your vehicle, it could be required. Do keep in mind that each state is different, however, so you’ll want to check with your local DMV or RV insurance provider to determine if it’s required and if so, what type. 

In most states, a minimum of liability insurance is required. 

Towable RVs

It’s also important to note that towable RVs might have different insurance requirements. Because these RVs are towed and not driven, your state might not require you to have insurance. However, you need to contact your local DMV to confirm the insurance requirements before moving forward. 

Liability Insurance

If you were to be involved in an accident which is your fault, then you need to have liability insurance. Liability insurance will cover medical costs and costs of damages to the other person’s vehicle. As mentioned before, this is required in most states. 

If you’re driving an RV and don’t have this coverage, then you risk being sued by the other driver and having to pay for these costs out of pocket. 

Uninsured Motorists

If you’re involved in an accident and the other driver doesn’t have insurance, then this type of coverage will cover the cost of damages caused by the other driver without insurance. This type of insurance will also come in handy when the other driver’s insurance doesn’t cover all of the damages. 

Medical Payments

Your insurance isn’t only there to cover the medical costs of other drivers. Your insurance is there to protect you before anyone else. If you or any other passengers in your RV suffer from injuries while in the vehicle, then you’ll want to have insurance to cover medical bills and lost wages. 

Pet Coverage

Families love to take their pets with them on their RV trips. Bringing the entire family along is a great way to bond with one another, so why not take your pets! If you’re someone who loves to bring your pets on the RV with you, then you’ll want to consider adding pet coverage. 

If an accident of any kind were to happen and your pets were to become injured, this type of insurance will cover the medical costs.

Emergency Expense Coverage

Imagine this: you’re in another city or state riding in your RV, enjoying your vacation. It’s the last thing you expected to happen, but you’ve been involved in an accident and you’re far away from home. Your RV was your accommodations, but now it’s undrivable and must be towed. 

Where do you go? You’re now forced to pay out of pocket for hotel accommodations, but wait! You don’t have to. 

When you have emergency expense coverage, you’ll be reimbursed for emergency expenses such as transportation and hotel stays. 

Fire, Theft, Leak Coverage

Here are a few things you might not think about when considering insurance for your RV. You also have the option to purchase add-ons for fire, theft, and leak protection. Remember, your RV has many more electrical components to it than your regular vehicle and requires a lot more maintenance

Fire Protection

Not only do RVs have a large engine, but they also have a hot water heater, an electrical system for the appliances, and more. For this reason, it’s beneficial to have fire protection. You’ll also be inside your RV much more than you would inside a regular vehicle. 

Whether you’re cooking or charging your phone, you’ll be using the electrical system on a daily basis, so don’t forget to protect yourself.

Theft Protection

Your RV also holds much more personal items than your normal car would. Inside your RV, you’ll have your luggage full of clothes and other personal belongings. 

You might have a television and other expensive electronics. For this reason, it’s also important to consider adding in theft protection. When you’re away from the RV site for the day, protect your family from a possible break-in. 

Leak Protection

The last thing to consider is add-on protection for possible leaks. Again, your RV has many more possibilities for leaks than a car. Your RV most likely has a shower, a toilet, sinks, and an entire plumbing system. 

Just like you might get a leak in your home, you could get a leak in your RV too. Protect yourself with the right type of insurance. 

Could You Benefit From RV Insurance?

Do you believe you could benefit from RV insurance? After reading through this guide, we hope you now know how important it is to protect your RV and your entire family. At Gessel and Associates Insurance Agency LLC, we’re an insurance company that understands your needs.

To learn more about RV insurance coverage, contact us today.